Canon Custom Picture Styles

Canon Custom Picture Styles 7,4/10 4882 reviews

By New dSLRs continue to provide viable in-camera photo processing options. That’s right; you don’t always need to download the photo to your computer and slave over a photo editing application for hours trying to perfect a look. The Canon EOS 60D is no exception, with, among other things, robust support for Canon’s Picture Style solution. The 60D comes with six base Picture Styles to work with (Standard, Portrait, Landscape, Neutral, Faithful, and Monochrome), and you have three “slots” where you can save your own variations (User Def. 1, 2, and 3). The two steps of creating custom Picture Styles are customizing Picture Styles and registering (saving) the result to User Def.

Canon Custom Picture StylesCanon custom picture styles

Canon Custom Picture Styles

Picture Style Editor is the software that can make the minute control, and save it as 'Picture Style file' that is easily usable in both the camera and a personal computer. Example of controlling the difference of red and yellow, without changing the overall contrast. One piece seasons.

Platform Support Available on 64-bit Microsoft ® Windows ® only. Siemens step 7 tutorial.

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