Cara Share Printer Di Windows10

Cara Share Printer Di Windows10 8,0/10 7948 reviews

If you have a USB printer, which doesn’t feature Wi-Fi or Ethernet network connectivity, makes it super easy to turn your computer into a print server by letting you share your USB printer in the network for everyone to access it with just a few click. Printer sharing is nothing new, it’s a feature that has been part of the operating system for a long time, and you can still use it on Windows 10.

Cara Setting Share Printer Di Windows 10


Cara Share Printer Di Windows 8

Cara Sharing Printer di Windows 7, 8 dan 10 Cara Sharing Printer di Windows 7. Pertama masuk ke Control Panel kemudian pilih Devices and Printers. Kemudian dihalaman Devices and Printers silahkan pilih printer yang akan kita share kekomputer lain. Silahkan Klik kanan di Printer > pilih Printer properties.

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