Pokemon Dark Violet Pokemon List

Pokemon Darkviolet

Mar 6th 2017 How to use these codes (FireRed, My Boy - Android GBA Emulator [I got Full Version]): ~ ALL STEPS ARE IMPORTANT ~ Step 0) Turn off or delete any code on your Cheat Code List Step 1) Stand outside of a Pokemon Center Step 2) Save your game Step 3) Create your new cheat Example Code Name: Rare Candy Code Type: CodeBreaker Code: 44 When you save it, it should be already activated. Dairy milk chocolate price. (if you've already created the cheat code, just activate it) Step 4) Get inside the Pokemon Center Step 5) DEACTIVATE THE CHEAT CODE Step 6) Go to PC -> Item Storage Step 7) Withdraw ONLY 1 Rare Candy Step 8) Notice if the Rare Candies in storage is double, if not, that means it's successful. IF it is true, which means it has bugged, then close the game and redo all the steps above. Step 10) Exit and go back to item storage again and withdraw as many as you want, BUT do not press the down button. Anuradha paudwal daughter photo. Just pick numbers from 001 to 999.