Right Forms Of Verb Practice
Right Forms Of Verb Practice 7,0/10 5436 reviews

Right Form of Verbs- এর নিয়ম Rule-1 Subject যদি third person singular number হয় এবং উক্ত বাক্যটি যদি Present indefinite tense হয় তবে verb- এর সহিত s/es যোগ হবে। (a) The boy (go)—to school regularly. The boy goes to school regularly. (b) The boy does not (go)—to school daily. The boy does not go to school daily.
Verbs Practice Quiz

(c) The boy generally (go)—to college at 8 a.m. The boy generally goes to college at 8 a.m. Try yourself: (d) Mr. Khan (go)—abroad every month. (e) His father (come)—home every week.
Practice With Irregular Verbs. Match the irregular verb forms on the right to the verbs on the left. OK Practice With Irregular Verbs. Match the irregular verb forms on the right to the verbs on the left.